Monday, December 1, 2008

I made the ETSY Front Page

It sounds absurd. I have two beautiful kids and a loving husband, and a rewarding job I don't hate. But the highlight of my Thanksgiving holiday was making the Front Page of I grouped together a bunch of items based on their loveliness (I curated.) And then a site administrator showed up in one of my comment fields, and shortly thereafter, my curation was on the main splash page. Isn't it lovely?

Everyone else seemed to like it. I am reading over people's compliments like old love letters. Every time one of my items has made it to the front page (three or four times total), I've gotten about 300 views in 30 minutes. This time, I got 10 views total. Yet I am so proud.

I am also proud of my son and daughter. But that is so very different, of course.

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