Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ravelry - I'm in!

I received my Ravelry invite last week. I am Bluehairknits there too. As of today, 51,283 knitters have signed up to be a aprt of the Ravelry community (about 13,000 are still waiting for their registration to become active). A very telling show of the size and power of women with sticks. The Yarn Harlot has received over 1,300 comments to a single post. What blogs have you read that receive 1,300 comments????

Preparing my Ravelry "notebook" (all the projects finished and on the needles, with images, links to pattern, links to yarn used, etc) made me realize that I've done a poor job of taking pictures of my projects. It took about 8 months to knit Marta McCall's Weekend Getaway Satchel, and all all there is to post is the picture of Marta's own bag. I'll bring my camera to my sister in laws this weekend and take a snap.

1 comment:

Homestead Mom said...

I'd love to see the bag - you never showed it to me. I keep thinking of joining, buy it isn't like I have time to make anything other than milk these days...