Tuesday, February 6, 2007

In a Sudafed fog

When I was getting read to leave Philadelphia and move to a smaller, slower town, I about had a nervous breakdown. While packing up my house and trying to find a new place to live, I had to hire someone new in my office to do my job. I brought her in from out of town, introduced her to my staff (who didn't really like her), to my supervisors (who really did) and then showed her around an apartment complex in an area I certainly wouldn't have ever lived. All the while I had been nursing an ear infection with a 24-hour antihistamine - taken accidentally twice a day - for the previous 72 hours. Needless to say I was foggy. I almost got run over, in front of this woman I didn't know, twice in a single morning. That's how I feel today. I'm going to go make myself a pick-me-up. (By the way, our camera is still in the shop, so we will have to be content with these vintage repro posters, found, where else, on ebay at mainposters.

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