Monday, March 5, 2007

Someone Else's Words

If you have ever worried about what's around the next corner, read this blog entry honoring the ninth anniversary of an awful accident by the best craft blogger ever.

She writes: "I don't remember many, many things about the hospital, but I remember that moment, when we laughed. I had a vision about the world when I was there. It came to me one night as if a little door opened and I looked through and eavesdropped on the truth. I saw that the world was constantly falling apart, it was always in a state of little things always falling apart, and then there were these brigades of individual human angels, with kind eyes, apples and stitches, repairing, fixing, mending, patting, bandaging the wounds of the world, and putting it back together, piece by tiny piece."

Here words are worth a 1000 pics.

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